3D Source Blog

3D marketing: Unleashing immersive brand experiences

3D marketing: Unleashing immersive brand experiences

In modern fierce competition, eCommerce businesses are striving to solve two fundamental questions. How to merge digital and real-world perceptions? How to build a more profound engagement between the brand and consumers? Vendors are strenuously seeking ways to elevate interactions, moving beyond traditional approaches to digital shopping. This quest for innovation has led to the rise of 3D marketing, a powerful means for creating immersive experiences. This guide reveals the essence of this technology, its advantages, and specifics of product visualization.

AI in product visualization: Winning the hearts of all

AI in product visualization: Winning the hearts of all

Planning a purchase, customers have a choice between online and offline shopping. And frequently they don't go online because they don't feel confident. Physical interaction is still important. For this reason, any technology advances that bridge digital and in-person experiences are valuable for both eCommerce providers and customers. 3D modeling is one of such innovations. In this article, we will talk about 3D eCommerce, its benefits, and its business value.

Cost-efficiency of 3D eCommerce solutions

Cost-efficiency of 3D eCommerce solutions

Planning a purchase, customers have a choice between online and offline shopping. And frequently they don’t go online because they don't feel confident. Physical interaction is still important. For this reason, any technology advances that bridge digital and in-person experiences are valuable for both eCommerce providers and customers. 3D modeling is one of such innovations. In this article, we will talk about 3D eCommerce, its benefits, and its business value.

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3D Sourse is the Epic's Megagrant recipient

Epic's Megagrant recipient